More on Dead Horses
The indicators of dead horsedom which enable you to dismount!
My last post got me thinking. If the best strategy is to dismount then the critical bit is knowing you've got a dead horse in the first place.
So here it is, the indicators of dead horsedom and a new diagram [you're welcome]:
Firstly what's a dead horse? Its a service, project, team or division which isn't working and which you've been asked to get on.
First set of indicators are in my original post and are not mine. Things like knowing your dead horse has had 3 Directors in charge of it in 2 years is a possible indicator, lowering standards, threatening termination, popping overseas to see how France tackle dead horses etc.
Firstly we rarely ask for this information. Secondly even if we do our confidence bias kicks in [it's why we're successful right?] so we ignore the first lot. The old Directors must have been muppets...
The second set of indicators are below. Use them wisely: No sense trying to trot a dead horse up the lane no matter how hot the sun is shining.