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Is it really busywork?

That very important work you're working on right it busywork?

I know it's keeping you busy and I know you think it's important. But it's not really adding any value. And someone else could probably be doing it, if it needs doing at all.

I rather suspect you know you really should be working on something else but "just need to get this out of the way first."

The thing is, you probably don't need to "just get this out of the way first". This thing that you're working on? I suspect there's a good chance that it's not going to get you to where you want to be. You need to ditch it, delegate it or park it, then get on and do that thing which is going to make you great.

Busywork prevents us achieving greatness.

Maybe that's why it's so prevalent.

Greatness has consequences.

Stuff would change.

You'll be more visible.

Scary stuff.


The session was excellent. I thought we were able to have very frank and constructive conversations.
[Senior Manager, Social Care, Evaluation]

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