Your operating context and your performance issues are unique, so our services are unique.
Every piece of work we do is carefully designed to move some aspect of your performance from where it is now to where it needs to be, at pace, without causing new problems.
All solutions speak from our core values; are mindful of the people side of change; and are underpinned by 5 unshakeable beliefs which inform our approach and anchor us in a recognised body of knowledge:
1. All improvement requires change but not all change leads to improvement - we help you get it right.
2. Most people don't come to work to do a bad job - we help you work out what's really going on.
3. You can't change the way you think using the way you currently think - we give you new ways to think.
4. If solutions aren't working, you're trying to solve the wrong problem - we help you confront reality anew.
5. What limits action advances action. What stands in the way is the way - we think differently.
Razor sharp analysis, immersive approach, powerful recommendations, catalytic results.
Bring us in when you're stuck. We're at our best when we're:
Unpicking complex, legacy problems
Working out why you're not making the kind of progress you should be making against your strategic goals
Resolving previously intractable systemic conflict between directorates to the satisfaction of all stakeholders
Helping you re-evaluate what problem it is you're here to solve before building a new strategic approach to get you there.
Expertly designed large group interventions and goal-orientated facilitation. We create conditions for groups to look freshly at reality and co-design a new way forward. Powerful recommendations, catalytic results.
During planning we use our robust change management framework to work through:
What’s the ultimate goal?
In order for the goal to have been achieved, what must have happened?
In order for those things to have happened what must have happened and in what order?
Who must attend if the goal is to be wholly achieved?
What agenda design will moves people from where we think they are to where they need to be to achieve the goal?
What conditions do we need to create for everyone contribute, to design goal-orientated next steps, and to get robust buy-in?
What could go wrong?
What can we plan in advance to do about that?
Team discovery builds thinking skills and change leadership capability. It's a robust journey to becoming a high performing team.
We create conditions for small groups of your people to work well together over a period of time, overcome obstacles and improve your organisation's performance.
We start by facilitating your people to establish a clear goal and clear understanding of their operating context and culture in which the goal must be achieved or delivered.
Then we combine training [new knowledge, new thinking skills] group coaching [creativity, leadership, problem solving, change management] and facilitation [good choices, effective decision making, action learning approaches] into a package which works in your culture and context.
Accurate change
No unmanageable negative consequences
Good relationships.
Get better results, more easily and with less unintended consequences.
Coaching plans designed around you no matter how ambitious or difficult your goal:
Time and space to think really clearly.
Support for your thinking so you can find and focus action on the right things.
Challenging your assumptions to expand your perception of any given problematic situation.
New, evidence-based tools and techniques and help in using them to increase your leadership and management capabilities.
Builds your resilience and self-belief - whilst holding you to account for making the changes you decide to make to improve your performance.
Learn how to figure out what to change, what to change to and how to make change happen in your team or organisation - including how to manage resistance.
All training is delivered at a venue of your choice and arrangement.
Our evidence-based Leadership Development Programme builds a structured, all-employee problem solving culture and organizational change leadership capability.
It creates conditions for your people to work through a structured programme over several weeks to:
Properly diagnose and structure a problem which is limiting performance of a part of your organisation
Design a solution which if implemented will lead to a breakthrough in performance with no unmanageable negative effects
Design the implementation plan which will enable them to lead the change project at pace
Ensure they have achieved robust buy-in from colleagues affected by the change, and are able to manage resistance during implementation to keep the change project on track.
Our 1 and 2 day Training Workshops focus on building specific change competencies. Like our Change Leadership Programme they are practice-based which enables skills to be practised in the context of your operating environment.
Content is designed to achieve your desired outcomes:
Identifying and managing resistance to change.
Getting and maintaining buy-in for change.
Overcoming conflict and achieving win-win.
Systems thinking. Including logic modelling, theory of change and causal loop diagrams.
Properly diagnosing and structuring a problem which is limiting performance of a part of your organisation.
Designing confident solutions to achieve breakthrough performance with no unmanageable negative effects.
Designing change strategies which enable to lead change at pace.
Change project management in a multi-project environment.
Highly interactive, participatory and immersive. Gamification creates opportunities for new conversations and powerful learning opportunities.
Gamification is a powerful way of overcoming some of the most deeply rooted challenges in your operation including: Silo’s, poor communication, complexity, poor performance and power hierarchies.
Effective games help individuals and organisations develop innovative approaches to problem solving, to acquire adaptive flexibility to deal with change in imaginative ways and learn to enter into open and honest dialogue with others [Gudikson and Inlove, Gamification for Business, KoganPage, 2017]. Gamification:
Breaks the boundary among individuals, promoting mutual understanding and shared communication.
Appeals to diverse learning styles by providing a multisensory experience.
Creates a meaningful connection between theory and practice.
Creates a safe space where people are free to imagine and experiment with new ideas and choices.
Builds capacity to navigate complexity.
Encourages people to overcome rigid power relationships.
Connects people through social interaction.
The games we use are award winners in their categories: change, innovation, problem-solving, collaboration, culture change, communication, challenging mental models.
We invest in and add to our resource bank frequently in line with designing accurate ways to help our clients overcome their performance constraints and achieve breakthrough improvement.
The key to effective gamification is absolute clarity of the problem that the game experience is intended to be the solution to, coupled with careful debriefing to ensure learning is explicit and results in actionable change.