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We aim for catalytic change so you achieve more, more easily.

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Historic success for Resonate:

"We decided to engage Concinnity to help us understand what we would have to do and what we would have to change to ensure success. We chose Concinnity because the Managing Director was excited by our challenge and we felt confident with can approach that was both holistic, and evidence based... We can demonstrate the success of this work and the willingness of the team to embrace it. On June 10th 2018, the date promised in the contract signed 1 year before, Resonate delivered the first traffic management system in the UK. In comparison, multi-nationals have failed to commission systems contacted in 2012. Personal congratulations for this historic success was received on the day of commissioning from the Network Rail Chief Executive, the Managing Director of Group Digital Railway and the Managing Director of the Western Route".

Anna Ince, CEO


A new deal for Virgin Trains:

"…and we did the deal with [a rail sector union]. The foundations of the deal was done in the sessions you did and can’t be underestimated. Your ability to come in and talk without any angle was very useful."

Warrick Dent, Safety and Operations Director

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Defendable strategic approach for Cymru Well Wales:

"Thank you very much for working with us to help sharpen the focus of our work, so we can be confident that we are investing our limited resources un the right places to make an impact in the time we have available to us. We found the structured approach of developing the causal loop diagram and strategic intermediate objectives map a useful way of working through, what is a very complex issue. We felt this approach was suited to our often circular and chaotic thinking, and helped us to collectively clarify our focus and be confident in our work. We also felt the work has left us with a defendable legacy."

Alyson Francis, National Director


A New Direction of Travel for NHS Greater Glasgow and Hyde:

"It's fair to say it couldn't have gone better. 70+ Stakeholders agreed on a direction of travel, agreed stepping stones based on reality not ideology - and established working relationships which are holding. We're well on the way to implementing the care pathway and we'd definitely use this approach again."

Linda Wolfson, Lead Commissioner, Maternity and Infant Care Pathway

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Significant Improvement at Asthma UK:

"People found the workshop really useful and it was quickly put into practice with a much clearer articulation of purpose. The team also used Candy’s framework as the basis for planning the following year’s work - integration between teams has since improved significantly.”

Emily Humphries, Head of Policy and Public Affairs

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Clarity at pace for Fitups:

"I just want to say Thank You again Candy - you have an enthusiastic personality which is contagious, you've increased my confidence in my ideas and in myself and by challenging my assumptions (even when I didn't know I was making assumptions) you have enabled me to move from nothing to everything (in a very short space of time). As I've said to you a few times - you're in my head now!"

Emma Rivers Fletcher, CEO

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Rapid Transformation At Helen Browning's Organic:

"Working with Candy allowed us to validate what we thought the root cause of our business problem was in a logical way. Through Candy's gentle but insistent probing she was able to guide us through a process that logically tested both our theory and solution, allowed the solution to be explained throughout the organisation enabling buy-in from everyone concerned and highlighted potential pitfalls and risks that we should be aware of and mitigate against. Business transformation has been rapid and sustained."

Vicky McNicholas, Managing Director


Dramatic Increases In Sales for NCT:

"Candy's work with NCT's shops has been invaluable in identifying the dilemmas which were causing conflict and limiting our effectiveness. This has enabled a much clearer strategy to be written and reduced energy being directed in the wrong place, in all sales have increased dramatically this year and we are beating a challenging budget by 6%."

Belinda Phipps, CEO

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Huge Strides Forward at BVSC:

"Candy recently facilitated an intensive strategic planning process for BVSC which has resulted in us significantly refreshing our organisational vision, mission and values. With her guidance, this piece of work became a truly collaborative effort engendering real buy-in from all levels of the organisation, and it has helped BVSC to progress - in an increasingly challenging operating environment - with broader scope, and clearer focus. What was most striking is that the Board and Executive Team were empowered to take huge strides   forward in the weeks immediately following this intervention. The term "change agent" is often overused - but it's an appropriate description of the expertise and input that Candy offers."

Brian Carr, CEO

Systematic, organisational transformation for Healthwatch Birmingham

"Candy's response was exactly what I was looking for. She immediately grasped the requirements of the task at hand [including the scale and speed of the changes required] and enthusiastically accepted the challenge - an indication of her clear love of, and aptitude for, 'change management with a purpose'.

The clarity and commitment she brought has created a number of organisationally significant outcomes...above all Candy has very effectively managed a process of systemic organisational transformation, and has done so in a way which empowers others to deliver effectively."

Brian Carr, Chairman


New confidence for PCRS-UK:

"PCRS-UK was keen to understand how it could/should be using social media to support its work as a professional society. We asked Candy to do some work for the PCRS-UK Executive about the value for social media for us. As a result, we took the plunge and started to use both Facebook and Twitter - both are now integral parts of our communications platform."

Anne Smith, CEO


Mature and candid discussions at the British Fluoridation Society:

"Candy was recommended to me by a valued colleague who had engaged her on a substantial organisational change project.

She was able to rapidly understand the context for our organisation, playing back her insight in a useful, iterative style.

Candy's natural inquisitive and analytical approach enabled her to present the key dilemmas for the organisation in a measured and neutral way. The document she produced allowed for a mature and candid internal discussion about the organisation's development needs."

Steve Bedser, Chairman


New funding for a new strategic approach for the VCS partnership:

"We (a partnership of VCS organisations) commissioned Candy to support our thinking and enable us to develop a robust proposal to present to the Trustees of Castle Vale Endowment Trust Fund, a local funding body which was focussing upon its own succession planning and legacy development. This was a complex situation as we wanted to ensure this met the needs of the funders and the local community whilst developing further the VCS partnership within the neighbourhood. Candy's supportive, yet positively challenging approach gave the space we needed to think through our ideas and to ask ourselves how realistic these were, and how could our vision be implemented. After a very successful workshop, which included pre-session reflective conversations, a plan of action and proposal developed - which was supported by the local funders. A great success for the community and a positive outcome for our partnerships."

Lisa Martinelli, CEO, Compass Support


Transformation for Changing Futures:

"We now have a group of partners and staff who are very clear what it is that we are trying to achieve and it has offered a revised sense of direction and purpose. Once the work Candy did with us was complete, it became obvious what we needed to do next was to reshape No Wrong Door and begin working towards overcoming some of the larger systematic barriers to support people with multiple and complex needs. We now have a stronger role for the governance of this work, improved relationships with key partners and commissioners and a plan to open up our partnership even wider to allow for as many organisations and service users as possible to benefit from this way of working. The quality standards that we identified would be essential to the delivery of the approach, and are currently being designed in partnership with Birmingham City Council, recognising the significant cross-over with the homelessness system"

Natalie Allen, Director


Growth for New Leaf:

"Over the last year Candy has helped me to grow my business from solely reliant on  myself to a team of 4 and growing and a multisite company. I now work less hours and no weekends and the company income is growing.  Candy has given me the confidence to relinquish tasks to team members and question my thinking and assumptions. 

Candy's input and guidance has helped New Leaf grow as a company and a brand with its values at the heart of it."

Dan Wilcox, Director


Time to think differently for LNER :

" …I like your style. You were quick to understand and build trust with the team at a time of real uncertainty for the team and the business. I genuinely liked you style, energy and structure. Giving that mix of intellectual, academic and real life content is a real skill and enabled people to access the content and contribute. It’s why I recommend you and why we keep using you."

Warrick Dent, Safety and Operations Director

Our clients are saying we are making a
positive difference to their business.
How can we help yours?
virgin trains
cymru well wales
greater glasgow and clyde
asthma uk
helen brownings organic
healthwatch birmingham
the british fluoridation society
castle vale endowment trustfund
changing futures
new leaf

The session was excellent. I thought we were able to have very frank and constructive conversations.
[Senior Manager, Social Care, Evaluation]

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Company: 9219999
VAT Registration: 213 7004 55 

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