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Here are some of the most powerful, catalytic concepts we've assimilated into our approach. Everything we do is systematically designed to address your problem in your culture and context.
We don't foist on you what worked for someone else just because it worked for someone else. 
So you get some of the very latest thinking applied to your problem, and we get to constantly expand our knowledge and capability. Win-win.

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Groundbreaking TOC TP framework for precisely defining and resolving a problem situation.


Evidence based and published by us: Toxic Pragmatism - widespread,  debilitating decision 



In systems thinking every-things connected, so what's a root cause? We like Covey, Goldratt & Sherwood


The Change Analogy involves mermaids for uncovering unknown, unrealised, challengeable assumptions.


The TOC TP: Full set of logic tools for analysing complex systems and overcoming resistance.


Grove's brilliant method of using symbolic modelling to make sure we hear before we interpret!


Collins says First Who then What: Kotter talks Guiding Coalition. We get the right people on the bus.


Categories of Legitimate Reservation, the rules for scrutinising logic models, another TOC TP tool.


Another Collins concept - companies with strong hedgehogs move from good to great and stay there.


Stockdale Paradox - realistically assess your current reality AND have the attitude and confidence to know you will succeed.


Grove's work applied to teams - better understand complexity and mental models through metaphor. Powerful stuff.


Our model couples layers of resistance with  - both critical to managing change.


De Bono's ideas of getting everyone to think through the same lens at the same time. Very useful in contested change discussions.


Problem base change - properly articulate what you need as a problem and we're half way to solving it!


A favorite Goldratt-ism, tackling choopchicks wastes time and effort - only handy for avoiding tackling necessary change!!


Using Klein's ideas on creating thinking space we cut meeting time in half, improve confidence in decision making and reduce frustration.


Hutchin's deeply insightful work provides a framework for understanding and tackling 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' choices.


Occam's Razor - still fresh 14th century principle favours simplicity over complexity. Base change on the fewest assumptions possible.


Ohno's pioneering Toyota Production System  - reduce waste, improve flow, achieve more.


Red Cell Thinking -  

Succeed by thinking like the enemy. Used by the CIA and very useful in risk and ideating.

Don't choose between conflicting goals. Great leaders find a way to achieve both at the same time with no negative effects.


Got a go-to concept which helps you cause a breakthrough in your thinking?
We'd love to hear about it - it might be just the ticket for unblocking a problem we're working on.

The session was excellent. I thought we were able to have very frank and constructive conversations.
[Senior Manager, Social Care, Evaluation]

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Company: 9219999
VAT Registration: 213 7004 55 

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